Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mogwai - Gouge Away (Pixies cover)

Stereogum has some new Mogwai for us all, well a new take on an old song by Mogwai anyway. The song, "Gouge Away", appears on the new Pixies covers album Dig For Fire: A Tribute To Pixies which comes out at the end of the month. I always find it weird listening to Mogwai tracks that involve singing and there is a similar effect here. I'm pretty generally not the biggest fan of cover songs unless they are phenomenal, and this one doesn't really fall into the phenomenal category, but it's Mogwai covering the Pixies for chrissakes so it deserves a listen at least. The track can be found here. If you sign up at PixiesMusic you can stream most of it for free.


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