Monday, November 5, 2007

The Calm Blue Sea EP

(photo by Liz Fraser)

Let me start this story by telling you about a house I used to live in. It was an old beat to shit rental house in South Austin (pictured above), but it was cheap and it had a big living room and my neighbors never once complained about my roommates and I playing loud as hell rock and roll in that living room whenever we pleased. So, in summary, the house was great. We lived there for a few years and over that time just about every one of my friend's bands practiced or recorded in that living room. One of the bands to practice and record in that space was The Calm Blue Sea. The Calm Blue Sea are a fairly new band to the crowded Austin scene but they have that old fashioned work hard and practice often mentality down. They practiced two or three times a week at my house for months and months before they ever set foot on a stage and all of that practice really shines through in the songs. That brings me to the point of this post. Amidst all of these living room practice sessions, the 5 men in The Calm Blue Sea brought in some mics and some laptops and did some recording. The results of these recordings (all done live with the exception of the vocals, of which there are few) eventually became The Calm Blue Sea EP. I got my hands on one of the first copies of this EP a few months back and immediately asked what their plans were for it. When I heard that they were planning on just giving it away to people for free I suggested that they let me put it up on my website. They agreed and here we are. As a point of reference think This Will Destroy You, Mogwai, Mono, basically Post Rock with the occasional barely audible vocal track thrown in the mix. So, without futher ado I present a Sound Of Marching Feet exclusive, The Calm Blue Sea EP, in its entirety, completely DRM free and yours for the taking. Download it, put it on your blog, do whatever, just don't sell it.

1. - The Calm Blue Sea - We Happy Few

2. - The Calm Blue Sea - Literal

3. - The Calm Blue Sea - Clear Like After A Rain

4. - The Calm Blue Sea - A Man Of Dangerous Dreams

The Calm Blue Sea is:

Steve Bidwell - Drums
Jeff Crews - Guitar
Chris Patin - Guitar and Vocals
Noah Poole - Bass
Max Werkenthin - Keys and Vocals

(a few notes: Mick Southerland played bass on these recordings but he and the band have since parted ways, Noah is now their bass player. The record was recorded by Omar Lopez and mastered by Scott Oliphant)

The Calm Blue Sea play Club Deville with Shipwreck and She Sir this Sunday (Nov. 11th).


Anonymous said...

Jesus, this band is fucking great.

The Blood Red Sky said...

...And where exactly is the download link, please ?

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