Saturday, November 10, 2007

Just cool. Fucking cool as hell.

Radiohead is the best. They are one of the most popular bands in the world, and its so deserved. They've been doing this thing lately, and some of the stuff that they are putting up is ridiculously cool. I love that this band does stuff like this, it amazes me how more bands don't. Here's a small sampling of what they've been putting up, it's Radiohead covering New Order's "Ceremony" in a recording studio. I'm going to die if this band ever breaks up.

Stereogum has a bunch more Youtube goodies.

Also, here are two of my favorite Radiohead live tracks, both from the mammoth Towering Above The Rest compilation.

Radiohead - Idioteque (live)

Radiohead - True Love Waits (live)


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